Collections of seeds






Here you will find thousands of images from various seed collections, presented
          by list to enable search by name, dimension, shape, colour, etc.,
          or tiled for visual comparisons.
These images, like photo booth snapshots, have not been retouched.
They may have visible defects, and even some impurities, as in nature.
This makes it easier to identify the seed you may be holding in your hands.
These are not artistic or scientific photos such as you can find on the sites referenced on
the links page.


Collections are difficult to show ...

A collection of seeds is something uncommon, almost quaint, interesting only for specialists:
botanists, seminologists and carpologists, seed companies and specialized laboratories.
At best, it is the complement of a beautiful herbarium.
We can imagine a collection of grains in hermetically sealed tubes, with (still) readable labels,
arranged in an obscure classification, on the shelves of an unfrequented room, dust optional.

Of course, the tubes must be tightly closed to ensure preservation, avoid mould and insects.
One cannot imagine the result of a food moth attack!

Classification is fastidious but necessary and some numbering is required,
even if this does not necessarily fit the needs of a specific research..

That's why, even with an open access binocular microscope,
few grain collections can really be shown to advantage
and remain permanently accessible to a wide audience.

A surprising diversity
A surprising diversity

... and digitalization makes them more accessible

To present these collections, seeds were digitized with no use of specialized,
sophisticated or expensive equipment.
All these images were obtained using a simple flatbed scanner.

A small database and some pages of php code allow sorting and selections
and make the collection more easy to access.

For that, simply choose the display:
  - by list for searches by names or characteristics,
  - or tiled for visual comparisons of grains.
You can switch the display of your selection, from one presentation to another, as needed.
If you have questions, take a look at the short guide.

Your first contact with the world of seeds? You will be amazed at their diversity.

Licence Creative Commons      Licence images